zaterdag 26 november 2016

Sexist Fast Food

Fast food, a guilty pleasure for many, as today’s society only seems to grants an identity of success and happiness to people that follow a rigid healthy lifestyle, where vegan super foods, crazy fruit-vegetable smoothies and inflexible non-gluten diets are the norm for daily life. We are all pushed to have the perfect healthy well-trained bodies, as this would supposedly create the best life you can live. But fast food joints still need to sell their full on calorie packed, grease dripping, diabetes-generating fatty products, that symbolize everything that is unhealthy. So they had to come up with a strategy to keep the sales coming in. And what will always sell? That’s right, Sex. 

I would argue that fast food brand are increasingly more often creating advertisements in which they sexualise their product, often linking it to the female sex in particular. Women are used to sell this kind of ‘forbidden’ food, sensualising the unhealthy product. The burger packed with calories, generates and obsession with what people secretly want to possess and devour. This lust for the unhealthy product is linked to sexual lust, desire and the craving to satisfy your needs.

Sex is this way becomes actual consumption of the food that is portrayed in a sexual setting. The women is very often portrayed in a very sexy, passionate way, almost as if she is partaking in a sexual act with the food she is eating. The taboo of looking at her, as she is performing a forbidden intimate practice, is linked to the notion that it is a forbidden practice as well to eat the unhealthy thing she is eating. Letting the woman eat a burger and fast food is then regarded as sexy, she is doing something she isn’t actually allowed to do, unholy, forbidden food, because she has to be skinny. The consumption of sex is thus equal to the consumption of the product.

I would also like to claim by making women’s bodies synonymous with the actual product, as if women are items to be bought, to have control over, to own for your own pleasure, and are equally disposable, fast food companies create a structural degradation of how women are seen in our society. Women become a commodity, the become the product and are thus objectified, as the comparison of lust for a woman and lust for a product is one of the most popular ways to gain revenue and increase sales. Sexualizing advertisements is a simple, effective technique to attract attention to the brand, either by envy of the woman’s sexuality or by commercializing her. 

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